Learning a second language is a completely different process from learning to read and write in one’s own mother tongue. For this reason, being Italian teachers or having a degree in literature is not enough to teach Italian to foreigners. Our school is exclusively composed of teachers qualified in teaching Italian to foreigners whose skills are based on innovative and advanced language teaching methods and academic experiences.
Speaking is a natural process, like breathing. Human beings have extraordinary abilities in learning languages. Children spontaneously learn to speak their own mother tongue without having been taught explicitly how to do it. Our Italian courses are characterised by an approach that aims at preserving the spontaneity and naturalness of language acquisition. In fact, only in this way, it is possible to reactivate those innate processes which allowed ourselves to learn our mother tongue without any difficulties.

Our brain has the innate ability to speak and learn languages. Teaching methods need to conform to the way our brain works. For example, following the basic direction of any learning process, which, contrary to what is believed, proceeds from the global perception to the analysis and finally to the synthesis. Similarly, grammar should not be studied following the traditional deductive method, namely referring to the rules and providing examples, but through an inductive method, extracting the rules from the text. This is the same process used unconsciously to learn one’s mother tongue: our brain reconstructs the grammar through the simple exposure to the language.
Our brain has the innate ability to speak and learn languages. Teaching methods need to conform to the way our brain works. For example, following the basic direction of any learning process, which, contrary to what is believed, proceeds from the global perception to the analysis and finally to the synthesis. Similarly, grammar should not be studied following the traditional deductive method, namely referring to the rules and providing examples, but through an inductive method, extracting the rules from the text. This is the same process used unconsciously to learn one’s mother tongue: our brain reconstructs the grammar through the simple exposure to the language.

Learning a foreign language focusing on the study of the grammar is like learning to swim studying hydrodynamic laws. When we teach our courses, we do not consider the language as a system of rules, but as a way to express and communicate meanings. Therefore, our activities focus on the content rather than the form, so being the lectures more interesting and the learning process more rapid, developing communicative skills.

Fun is the focus point of our classes: the more pleasant the learning experience is, the faster and long-lasting the language acquisition will be. Entertainment activities, such as watching movies, listening to songs, telling about something emotional, playing together in teams or expressing one’s own creativity, allow to fully benefit from the language exposure. Focusing on interesting and stimulating tasks, it is possible to learn the vocabulary and the grammar unconsciously and without any difficulties. This virtuous effect is enhanced by the special learning context of our courses: the absolute beauty of the Cinque Terre landscape.
Fun is the focus point of our classes: the more pleasant the learning experience is, the faster and long-lasting the language acquisition will be. Entertainment activities, such as watching movies, listening to songs, telling about something emotional, playing together in teams or expressing one’s own creativity, allow to fully benefit from the language exposure. Focusing on interesting and stimulating tasks, it is possible to learn the vocabulary and the grammar unconsciously and without any difficulties. This virtuous effect is enhanced by the special learning context of our courses: the absolute beauty of the Cinque Terre landscape.