
In addition to the organization of summer courses for foreigners, the school carries out research activity in the areas of Italian studies and language education, also through the organization of conferences and the promotion of publications. On this page we report activities organised by us and those in which our staff members participate in the name and on behalf of the school.

2nd June 2019

Davide Bozzo, director of Cinque Terre Summer School, gave a talk on Il paese poliglotta: viaggio attraverso la straordinaria e spesso misconosciuta diversità linguistica dell’Italia at the Polyglot Gathering 2019 held at the University of Bratislava.

Watch the video of the talk

30th May 2019

Davide Bozzo, director of the Cinque Terre Summer School, held a workshop on L’«ascolto autentico» delle canzoni: un modo rapido e divertente per imparare l’italiano! at the Polyglot Gathering 2019 held at the University of Bratislava.

Click on the photo to view
the conference program

Polyglot 2019
12th October 2018

Davide Bozzo, director of Cinque Terre Summer School, gave a talk on Il plurilinguismo nella canzone dialettale italiana da Fabrizio De André a Davide Van De Sfroos: analisi teorica e possibili ricadute didattiche at the 3rd International Congress of Italian linguistics and Language education held at University of Bochum.

Click on the photo to view
the conference program

3rd June 2018

Davide Bozzo, director of the Cinque Terre Summer School, held a workshop on Learning a language through «authentic listening» of songs: a workshop about Italian at the Polyglot Gathering 2019 held at University of Bratislava.

Click on the photo to view
the conference program

Polyglot 2018
2nd June 2017

Davide Bozzo, director of Cinque Terre Summer School, gave a talk on Essere o avere? La selezione dell’ausiliare tra teoria e didattica nell’insegnamento dell’italiano a stranieri at the 2nd International Congress of Italian Linguistics and Language education held at University of Wrocław.

Click on the photo to view
the conference program
